Dr. Davis is confident that I will hold out till at least my 37 week mark, which we are happy about. And then from there we will see how things are going. My blood pressure is still up some, but it's not horrible, so we are still keeping an eye on that to make sure that it doesn't get too bad.
Other than all that, we are chugging right along. Things looking good.
This morning, I had some of our playgroup over to play and it was nice. I was able to get some stuff from the store last night and then ran to Shipley's this morning for donuts, so I had a really unhealthy spread for everyone to snack on. It was fun. Corbin and I both enjoyed the company. Thanks guys for coming over to play.
I did have to miss MOPS today, so I missed all those mommas. With my blood pressure the way that it is, I have a hard time getting out to big places, and leaving Corbin also. Corbin doesnt like when I leave him and it makes me sad, and by default my BP goes through the roof. And MOPS entails leaving the kiddos with someone while the mommies have their time. I SOOOO love that time and miss it. It's just so hard on my right now, so I can't wait to get back involved soon. I actually was just asked to step up a little in the group and organize some stuff for the kiddos and mommies to do together, and i am really looking forward to that also.
I love all my mommy groups and getting to meet so many mommies that share a lot of the same values as me. I can't wait to have both boys around all of it too. The interactions with other kids and my interactions with other mommas is so perfect for all of us.
Okay, well that's it for now. Im hoping that tomorrow I have pictures of Corbin's monster truck with some paint on it! =) It's pretty much done other than paint and tires now. Can't wait for it to be in the room, and neither can Corbin!! =)
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