I went for my 35 week appt today. Crazy! I had to get my Strep B test done, and then was checked for my dialation and stuff. I was surprised that I was already starting to progress! I was half effaced, 1 cm, and Garrett was dropped and head down. Now, I could still go another couple of weeks like that or I could go into labor any day. That is all still up in the air. When I started progressing with Corbin, It happened VERY fast. i was 0 percent effaced and 1 cm at 37 weeks when I was induced. I went in the hospital and was given cervidil the night before to help efface me first. The next morning, I was 90% effaced and 2cm and I went straight into labor, no pitocin needed. So, once I effaced, I just went straight into labor and delivered a baby 4 hours later. =)
Since I am only 35 weeks though, I am hoping that I hold out for another 2 weeks. Which is totally possible, but then he is free to come! It is just nice to know that I am progressing and that my body is getting ready to do it on his own.
Next week we have an ultrasound to see how this little guy is developing. Im super excited about that, and can't wait to see the little guy. =) I can't wait to see him in person either, but I want him to be completely healthy and don't want him to come before he is ready.
Anyways, that's just a quick update on how our appt went today. Can't wait to update next week!
Yay for babies!