Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Birth =)

As I sit down to write this Garrett is waking up cranky, so it might not be as long as I would like it to be, but oh well.  Its been almost 7 weeks now since we had our littlest guy, so this is quite a late post, but hey- better late than never.

So I went for my normal appt every Wednesday when I was 38 weeks and I was 3 cm and mostly effaced and my BP was pretty high.  My doctor decided to go ahead and strip my membranes in hopes of putting me into labor since I was so close to it anyways.  I started having more contractions a little while later, and then on Thursday night, I could hardly sleep at all because of my contractions, but it was nothing too consistent and nothing too painful, so I just stayed home.  Then Friday, I had another appt and this time was 4 cm and and ready to go, so my doctor sent me to the hospital to start some pitocin.  I was put on the pitocin at 6:00.  I was 5 cm at 6:30 and they broke my water then.  Then the contractions started getting really painful.  So I got an epidural around 7:00.  At 9:00, they check me and I was 10 cm already. The nurse said that she wanted me to practice a push and half way through it, she made me stop because he was coming out already.  We had to wait on all the other nurses, and stuff to get then.  So then I started pushing at 9:04, at 9:07 after 1 contraction of pushing, I delivered our little boy.  He was jittery so they had to check his blood sugar and it was low, so we had to give him a bottle right away to help with it.  It was okay that.  After I had him, they took the cord blood and all that jazz and then we finally got to eat dinner. =)

Well, that was a really short birth story, but it was a really short labor! =)  I have to go tend to crying baby now.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Wow... It;s been a while!

My blog pressance has been virtually non existant that past couple of months.  The main reason?  Im now a mom of 2!!  Im sure you all know that by now.  We welcomed Garrett Christopher on June 3rd at 9:07 pm.  He was 6 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long.  He is such a sweet little guy and he is already bringing much joy to the family.  He had jaundice and had lights on him at our house for a couple days but other than that he was a very healthy LITTLE guy.  He now has acid reflux and is on 2 different medications for it.  Clynt has it, and so did Corbin, so we figured it would happen again. Hopefully it will clear up by the time he is 6 months old or so.  He is a champion breasfeeder and is doing really well.  I has a very fast let down, so that combined with the acid reflux makes some feedings difficult, as he grows a little that should all settle down.  So we are making it through. 

Last weekend was Rachel's wedding and it was beautiful.  Everything went perfect.  Corbin was ring bearer and did a fabulous job.  He was such a cutie too.  But we are glad life is getting back to normal now with bed times and no stressing or having to mess with pumping and bottles and all that jazz.  If you remember with Corbin I pumped ALL the time, but this time I am swearing that off.  Unless I need to pump because we simply have to be away from eachother, I am boycotting it (well at least for a little while).  =)

I will post Garrett's birth story soon.  Garrett really enjoys being held during the day so it is hard for me to have time to post.  Though at night he is a champ sleeper.  He goes to bed at 9 and only wakes up 1-2 times between then and 7 or 8 in the morning.  I get at least 1 6-7 hour stretch in there.  So we are blessed. =)  Anywho-  Like I was saying I will post more about the birth soon, and hopefully be able to up date more on how everything else is going. =)  For today here are lots of pictures!  Enjoy!
