Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My 100th blog post!

WOW! Their were so so many days that I didn't think that I would get past 5 blog posts. Blogging is a whole different world to get involved in. I dont think that I have a great blog or anything, but it still requires thinking and recording things in your everyday life. Most of the things are not things that you would normally write in a baby book or tell your mom or husband about. In fact, often times my husband finds things out by reading my blog. Some of the stuff is just that insignificant, but it is my life.

When I started this blog, Corbin was 10.5 months old and now he is 20!! So I have been doing this for a little over 9 months. Some of those month, I probably only did 1 or 2 posts. I was lazy, and I still am often times, but I am trying to do better! I started this blog simply because I loved reading a friend of mine's, Amanda, blog. She would just blog about her life. She has a little boy that is only about 2 months older than Corbin, and I had not seen her since I was in probably 9th grade. We played year around traveling soccer when we were growing up and we were very close friends. So when I found her, or she found me, on MySpace (and now just Facebook), I was really interested in what was going on in her life. She lives in Austin, but now we get to see eachother every couple of months. Her blog really drew us together.

We have A LOT of family that live all around the country so I thought that if I could feel connected to someone I havent talked to in so many years, than our families could feel connected to our lives even though they live so far away. And it has done that and so much more. Recently, we went to a very sad funeral in Alabama. We were able to see a ton of Clynt's family that I have never met and soooo many of them came up to me and said "Hey Deana, I feel like I already know you! I read your blog!". It was so cool. Since then, I have really tried to be a little more regular about updating. I just loved that we already felt like family from just one simple time of meeting. That's awesome!

Well, I hope to have the Ten on Tuesday questions later and I will post that tonight.. I just want to give a little blog history for you since this is a landmark blog!

Blog out!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday... Im TIRED!

Today was a very good day. We woke up and went to playgroup. I have only been two times so I am still in that awkward stage because I don't really know anyone, but Corbin had fun hanging out with all the kiddos and actually one little boy was born one day after Corbin. I love that because I think it is so so important for him to have lots of interaction with other kids his age. Their are so many kids of Stay at Home Moms that do not get the interaction they need, and so I am trying very hard to not have that problem with Corbin.

After playgroup, we went to the dreaded Wal-Mart. I say dreaded because I find it really hard to keep on my budget at Wal-Mart because of all the STUFF that they have... not to mention the lines, poor customer service (some of the time), so many people that dont pay any attention, and how much walking to have to do just to get back to the side of the store you parked on! Anyways, we got everything we needed and Corbin was very well behaved so it was good. Then we came home for nap time and I decided to bake. We had so many bananas left over at church the other day that I got to take some home with me. Corbin eats a banana every day, but all of these would have gone bad prior to him eating them, so I put some aside and baked with the others. I made banana nut muffins, and banana pudding. And I have had blueberries in my freezer in a while so I also made some blueberry muffins. It was all really yummy!! But my kitchen was a wreck!!

I then did the laundry, and then I rested. I was tired!! As soon as I could get a little rested, it was 4:15pm. Which means, dinner time! I have to start cooking around 4:30 to have dinner ready for Clynt when he gets home a little after five. We had some oh so very tasty bacon, lettuce, tomato (with avacado, onions, and cheese) wraps. They turned out delicious. I also made some pinto beans because my little man loves beans!!

Clynt then needed to go help a very good friend moved a swing set, so I went with so that I could visit with his wife and kiddos. We hung out for a while with them a visited and when we looked at the clock it was 9:00pm. It is really easy when we are with them to get caught up in conversation that we dont pay attention to the time. It was a great visit and much needed! We love visiting with them!

So overall, I had a wonderful day with my littlest love in my life. Now I am exhausted!!! So, its time to hit the sheets!

Blog out!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

5 Favorites of the weekend

I had a nice weekend, with nothing too exciting happening, so this should be pretty simple!!

My five favorite things from the weekend:

1) The farmer's market with my mom, Corbin, Michael, and Kelsey (our niece). The farmer's market was FULL of fresh stuff this week and it was HOT. We went to the Bayou City Farmer's Market because it is bigger and I knew I needed quite a bit of stuff. I got potatoes, tomatoes, spring lettuce, salsa, goat cheese, a cucumber, and Im sure their more, but that's all I feel like typing because Im tired. The market has soooo much beautiful, wonderful scented, perfectly ripe, delicious fruit and veggies to choose from and the best part is that it is locally grown and organic. I LOVE IT!

2) Having our niece for a night. It was nice to just have one of the kiddos because we were able to just chill and chit-chat. She said she had a good time and we did too. We sure do love those little ones.

3) The library- I havent taken Corbin to the library all that much up until this point, other than to story time. So we just went and picked out books to read and he had so much fun just laying down in the bright and bold chairs and reading his little books. He is SUCH a cutie!!

4) Watching our East Campus grow. At church today we had over 800 people at our East campus alone. It is so amazing that I was involved and on staff to open the church campus at the Y and now we are in this nice BEAUTIFUL, spunky building and we have gotten to be a part of all of it. It is just awesome!! I LOVE watching how God can truly change lives and make things happen. It is incredible!!

5) CARE group leadership rally. 2 times a year the church holds a function to help train and love on CARE group leaders. This time we had an extra special part, where they had filmed one of the couple in our group about how much their group surrounded them in prayer, meals, friendship, and more during a time when they were in a lot of need. Many people kept coming up and letting us know how touched they were. I was in tears, and all I can say is that is what this is all about. Yes we do bible studies and yes we meet once a week to go over the study, but we fellowship, pray with each other, and make friends. It is so incredible that this whole group (even our newest couple) CARES so so much for each other. I have been so amazed. So, just watching that video and watching pastors talk about how to be better leaders was my favorite part of the weekend. It was amazing and God really spoke a TON to me.

Blog out!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is one of my most hated things to do. Even though I absolutely dread making that trip, I must! I LOVE to cook, so that means.... you guessed it... I have to have food! When I was working, I would go during my lunch hour and bring the food back up to my office and put it in the refrigerator if it needed to be cold. This was how I would avoid some of those very much hated lines. And now that I am staying at home with Corbin, I am still able to do that. We go in the morning when Corbin is in a good mood. But that brings a while mew aspect to grocery shopping...

THE KID! Today, Corbin was riding in the front of one of those very cool car carts, and he saw those wonderful, beautiful, yellow fruits that we call bananas. He saw them as I was standing these getting some from the other container. I started pushing the cart and Corbin nearly fell out. I looked down and there he was almost completely out of the cart with a banana oh so close to his little hand. I am not the mom to give in to her child for a little fit, so we moved on about our business and he did not get to have a banana in the store. But about 2 minutes later I was walking towards the organic section and a little old lady in front of me JUMPED out of the way. I had nearly run into her!! I felt sooo bad. Evidentally I am not so good at driving those very clever car carts around. I had NO idea how long the darn thing was. So, we just about ran over grandma, i apologized, and we moved out of the cold section of the store.

Because I am a very scatter brained person, we end up going around the store 3 times. But we end up getting everything that we need. And we go to the line. I have a very hard time resisting magazines, candy, and anything in the impulse section of the line. But I was pretty good (calorie wise any ways) and I only got a couple of packages of blueberry muffin minis for me to have breakfast for the next couple of mornings.

So we are home and the little man is snoozing for a little while now and all the groceries are put up. Now it's laundry time!

Blog out!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Last Day of Therapy

Today was the last day for Hand Therapy. It was definitely bittersweet. I am SOOO excited that I no longer HAVE to be somewhere without Corbin every Tuesday and Thursday but I had grown to be friends with my therapist. She became a friend that I would talk to for 2 hours a week. ld vent and talk about just anything. She didn't know anyone in my life and would just listen to me and give advice or tell me about her life. It was super cool. I was paying her to work on my wrist, but it grew to be more than just therapy. She became a friend. I invited her to our church. She has not come yet, but I bet she will at some point. I got her cell phone number so I can call and harass her now! haha.

Anyways, now I no longer have someone to talk to every single Tuesday and Thursday morning. So that is what I am sad about. Someone once told me that I can make friends with a wall. Im not sure that I would put it that way, but I do LOVE making new friends and I can pretty much open up to any one. And it was no different here.

So now that I have nothing to do on these mornings, I am on the look out for other things to get involved with on those day. Of course, now it will include Corbin. I think that the music class is going to be on Tuedays so that works out well, but I need to find a story time or something for the little guy to go to on Thursday mornings. If you know of anything, let me know. I think that Friendswood has one, but I havent looked into the days, so I need to do that. I know that they dont have anything on in August though.

Well, until next time!

Blog out!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This morning Corbin and I went to Chick-Fil-A to play in the toddler area and to attend their weekly story time. They have a great little story time for little kiddos 3 and under, although most of the them are at least 2, so they are much more interactive in the story than Corbin is, but Corbin is getting more and more into story times.

When we got there, we walked into the toddler area and their was a little boy (probably 3 or 4) in their PUNCHING another kid in the FACE. It was absolutely horrible!! Another mom went up to him and said "no hitting", and the kid went on about their business. If you have ever been to Chick-Fil-A during the day, you would know that many people go their for play dates and they sit in the eating area and let their kids run free in the play room. Well, today was no different. This little boy's mom was out in the lobby not paying a dime of attention to her little boy. So a couple more minutes go by, and I look over and the same kid pushed another kid and then started punching him in the face also. It was insane. I have never in my life seen a kid that young actually punch little a grown man. This kid was swing away with a fist and everything. At that point, I ran out of patience for the mother of this kid so I went out and found the kids mom and told her that he son kept punching kids in the face and she needed to come and get him. When she and I walked back into the play area, the little boy had another little girl pinned down and was punching her in the face ALSO. The little girls mom was pulling the little boy off of her and was telling him "NO!". When the little boy's mom saw it, she did not tell her kid no, she GOT ON THE THE LITTLE GIRLS MOM AND TOLD HER TO NOT "DISCIPLINE HER KID!!". I wanted to scream!! So the little boy's mom then says "Im sorry he hit your daughter and I will discipline him." She then tells her son that was a no no and took him to sit with her while she chatted away with her friend.

I walk out to get a refill on my drink and I hear her telling her son "you dont get to go play for a minute, but you can still have your ice cream". OMG!!! What is wrong with people. If that was my child, we would have been at home by that point, and for sure WE WOULD NOT BE GETTING ICE CREAM!! Wow.

So then we go back to playing and Corbin is in the top of the play gym and I hear him screaming, and a little boy comes running down and tells his mom he hit a baby. I know that it had to be MY baby because I heard him crying. The mom of the kid says "was it an accident or were you being mean?". The kid then says "I was being mean!". That mom took her kid and left after telling me that she was sorry. I was fine with that. I know that kids are mean and can do things that we wouldnt want them to do, but PLEASE take care of your kid. And when you are at a public play area, WATCH YOUR CHILD! It is really sad that people act like that.

Okay. I didnt mean to vent but I feel better. I know that people go their to have a play date and it is okay to not have your eyes on the kids the entire time, but every couple of minutes you should check on them. You don't want your kid to be that kid. I know I don't want Corbin to be!

Other than that it has been a quite day at our house. It is Wednesday, so we only have a couple days until we have daddy home for the weekend! YAH!

Blog out!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: Pictures of life!

This Ten on Tuesday was a pain and I used my phone to take the pictures because I didnt feel like getting the camera out for a blog like this!!

For each of the following, take a picture. This is a chance for us to get a literal glimpse into each other’s lives. Feel free to skip a question if it doesn’t apply to you or it’s too personal. You can include explanations if necessary.

1. Your house.

This is the house that Clynt and I bought 3 years ago. We LOVE our home!

2. Your shower.

3. The inside of your refrigerator.

This just has to be the day before trash day when the fridge gets cleaned out!

4. Your pet.

Our 2 dogs. Mercede and Brandy.

5. Your favorite pair of shoes.

I guess Id say my boots are my favorite, although they don't get worn any time but Winter.

6. The most comfortable seat in your house.

When I was on bedrest, I stayed in this chair ALL the time!! When we have people over, they really do fight over this chair!!

7. Your favorite cup or coffee mug.
I don't really have a favorite mug.

8. Your laundry room.

We were too cheap to buy the pedestools so I have to bend down for the machines!! haha. We do LOVE our front loaders though.

9. The view from your office chair.

I sit on my couch to use my laptop. I guess I could have gone up to the office but I didnt feel like it. This is the computer I use the most of.

10. Your spouse/significant other/roommate.


This is me and my wonderful hubby!! I love that man!!


Finally got my charger

I finally got my computer charger in the mail. I could have purchased it at Fry's for $80, but I just could not justify to myself spending that kind of money of a charger for my laptop that is 4 years old. So I found a knock off online for just $12. I have an Apple MacBook and I LOVE my laptop, but that $12 was so much better than the $80.

So now that I am able to charge my laptop, I should blog a little more. I have a desktop and an iPhone, but it is hard to type that much on my phone and I get lazy and don't go upstairs to my office very often. So, I have just been lazy with blogging.

Corbin is starting to talk more and more. I am really trying to work on colors and shapes right now, but he is not that into learning some of these things. He is doin okay at pointing to the shapes but he doesnt say the words very often. Although, he has gotten really good at pointing to and saying all of his body parts. He says belly button, head, ears, nose, eyes, mouth, and toes. He gets excited about doing it also. It is really cute! I just love when he learns new things. It is so much fun! I think that we are going to do Kindermusic this fall. I really think that Corbin will enjoy it! One of my good friends gave me some information on a place that does it for pretty inexpensive. So I think that is going to be our class this fall. I am trying to find things to keep both Corbin and I social. So this is good!

This morning I had to go back to my orthopedic surgeon and he wasn't exactly pleased with my scar. May scar is hypertrophic, so it is very painful to me and ugly! So he put steriod shots all in it. It was incredibly painful!! He had to sstick the needle into my scar about 10 times and shoot it up with steroids. My scar is so hard that the needle bent half way through!!! My scar hurts to the touch so those needles really sucked! Now my wrist is stiff and it just hurts, but he said it would just be sore for another day or so. I really hope that it helps because I dont want to have to do it again! The nurse said that I took it like a champ and that some grown men cry and have to have ice put on it immediately. The doctor asked if I have other scars like like and I said that i had never broken anything or had surgery before and he just reminded me of how terrible of a break I had for a first time. BUT I was told that after this week, I dont need therapy anymore!! YAH! I love it!

I had a lot of blood test run a couple of weeks ago for some problems that I have been having with weight and stuff and my thyroid has been out of wack again. I have hypothyroidism and I have known that for years, but this year alone my medicine has been doubled. So please keep that in your prayers. I hope this is the last change that I need for a while. I dont want to deal with any specialists.

Anyways, that was my update for the day. I may do a Ten on Tuesday later if I see the questions somewhere!

Blog out!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

I finally ordered a charger for my laptop and it should be in by next week, so then you will start getting more blogs from me =) For now, I am having to go upstairs to my office to blog and... well.... im lazy, so that's not happening as often as I would like! So he is a ten on tuesday where the questions are mostly about my college day . =(

1. Where did you go to college?
Well.... I graduated from University of Houston- Downtown, but I also attended: Alvin Community College, San Jacinto College, North Idaho College, and Blinn College! Crazy because it still only took me 3.5 years to graduate! lol.

2. What did you study?
I got my Bachelor of Business Administration in Management.

3. Was college really all that it was cracked up to be?
It was okay... I meant lots of people and somewhat enjoyed myself!

4. How far were you from home?
Depended on the semester. The farthest was in Idaho, and the closest was living in their house!

5. Did you have the same roommate all four years?
Negative. The first semester i had 3 roomates, and then I went down to having Clynt and Tiffany!

6. Where did you order food from at 2am?
I would go to Whataburger... Unless Tiffany and I went to this crazy Greek place! lol....

7. Did you date in college or were you tied down?
I date A LOT my first year or two and then I met Clynt and the rest is history.

8. Funniest drunk college moment?
I would prefer not say! lol.

9. Did you make it to class on time?
When I would go to class, I was usually on time. Does that answer the question??

10. What was your favorite class in college?

hmmm... It was probably one of my marketing classes, those always seemed to keep me entertained!

Blog out!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2 blogs in one day!

My laptop is having issues with it's charger right now, so I havent blogged all week. So today you are going to get 2 blogs. They are just things that have been on my mind a little lately and I had intended on blogging Monday and Tuesday with them.

This one is about Friends. I have noticed that ever since I had Corbin (or even became pregnant with Corbin), I really just stopped wanting to do much. I felt like I would be classified as a bad mom if I went to get a drink after work with the girls instead of going to pick up Corbin, or if I left him with someone to go to dinner with friends. So I take him with me every where I go, but often times he ends up being the only kiddo there. So I just stopped going out too much. And with that, I stopped inviting people over or to go do things. I felt like I was always too busy for everything. I mean, we do see some of our friends but the friends that we have had the longest, I began to take for granted.

I love meeting new people and in turn making new friends and I seem to focus my time on the new people in my life. So I am on a mission to not only spend time with the new people in my life, but the old ones too. You are all so so important to me and to Clynt, that I don't want my absense to delete many years of laughs, and tears. I am going to invite people over for dinner one night a week, or every other week, depending on how the week goes, and catch up. I want to catch up on marraiges, kids, jobs, in-laws, siblings, loves, and all of it! Friends are important and they shouldn't come and go, and I don't want them too.

If you are one of those old friends who hasnt recieved a phone call or email from me in a while, expect on soon.

Love you guy!

Blog out!



I recently watched "My Sister's Keeper" the movie. It is so incredibly sad to me. I was against the mother the whole time, because of what she was doing to the little girl who had to keep going through procedure after procedure for the other girl. It was so sad to see a Mother take that much priority over one child than the other. It was like she never really loved her younger daughter at all. It got me thinking though, parents do this ALL the time. Well, not the whole having a baby just to cure another child, but making some kids more important than others, when they are ALL YOUR KIDS!

It doesnt matter what they do or don't do, who acts more maturally or who doesn't, who cleans their room, or who will spend more time with you.. No parent should EVER love one child more than another. I don't care if you have 2 kids or 12, they all were born to you and they didn't get to pick their parents so you should love them unconditionally and treat them that way. When your kids are grown, you should not only go see one of them or get some of them Christmas presents and other not, spend all your time with some grandkids and not the others, call and check on all but one of your kids, etc. Yes their are instances where the child will not answer his/her phone if yall are fighting or if they have had enough, but you should still TRY!

If you think of it from the child's perspective, they did not choose YOU! God did! God has blessed you with that child. You are the only Mom/Dad that that child has. They don't get to pick favorites! You are it, and every child longs for the ability to have a parent that loves them and wants to see them.

If you show favorites to one child over another, you should really consider how it is harming your child. And if they are grown, then how it is affecting his/her family. It really isnt fair and it makes me sick to see how some people act and the movie "My Sister's Keeper" really brought that to my attention. We are all children that were made to be loved in our own unique and different ways.

BTW- My parents are not like this at all. They treat us all with love just how we need it. I LOVE my parents with all my heart =)


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Top 5 of the weekend!

Once upon a time (like 2 months ago) I started doing a top 5 of the weekend blog on Sundays. It has been a while since I have done that, because Sundays tend to be very busy for us lately and by the time we are free at night, I don't feel like getting on the computer and typing about my weekend, but tonight, I have a few minutes so I thought I would start the trend again. So here my top five points of the weekend:

1) Clynt had Friday off! I love when Clynt has his Friday off, that means one more day of spending time with Corbin and I.

2) We took Corbin to the Urologist on Friday because of an infection that he has had on his penis. He started bleeding and having a big puss pocket on it and in it several weeks ago. He has been to his pediatrician twice and the second time was treated for Staph infection. He has been on an oral antibiotic and topical antibiotic for 10 days now, and Clynt wanted to make sure that it had all healed properly so we took him in to the Urologists at Texas Children's. You might be wondering (like Clynt is) why this would be in my top five, and the answer is because EVERYTHING IS OKAY with him. That is great news, because their is so much that can cause life long issues when you have problems in that area, so I am really glad that everything looks okay.

3) The BEACH! We went down to Surfside and stayed with Clynt's Dad and Charlye on Friday night and stayed till Saturday night. It was loads of fun. Neither of us are huge beach people so we have never put it on the top of our to-do list, but after going we sure did change our minds. We still are not huge on the ocean water, but Corbin LOVED the sand and chasing after the tides. They have golf carts and since they live there, we are able to go onto the private beach and take the golf carts and ride around on it. It was super relaxing.. In the heat of the day we stayed inside and watched movies, all while being able to just look out at the ocean. It was SUPER relaxing and we will definitely be back soon. Corbin had a BLAST and so did we. Not to mention that it is always nice to visit with family. We really did have a wonderful time.

4) Corbin being super cute. He is always super cute, but this weekend their were many phrases and words that he picked up on (or at least I picked up on what it was he was saying!). He had a really good weekend, he was just constantly happy and just loved on us quite a bit. He gets cabin fever when he doesnt get to go outside much during the day, so I guess the weekend at the beach did him well! =)

5) CARE group. I think this would probably be on my list every weekend. We really enjoy the company of everyone and every week is a new lesson. We love having other couples in our lives that we can share things with and that we can love and pray for. So, it is always a great way to end the weekend!

So, ideally I will do this every weekend, but dont hold your breath!

Blog out!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Play Dates

I am loving spending so much time with Corbin! It is wonderful. However, I am really missing grown up time and spending time talking with people about normal things. This week we had a play date with a good friend and her son who is Corbin's age, so that was really nice. But this week really just hit me how much I need my friends and time with them. I really need time to get stuff of my chest, to get out of the house, and to laugh and smile. I found myself getting "blue" this week and feeling un-loved by the world, since Iw as not out in it. So, I am on a mission to have at least 2 play dates a week, sign up for class of some sort for Corbin, and just spend more time with friends in the afternoons when other people are off of work. I need a little time out every once in awhile to stay sane.

If you are a stay at home mom, and you want someone to have a play date with, send me a message or text or something and we will plan to get together. Also, if you have any ideas for what to do with a toddler that is entertaining for him, let me know that too. I notice that I spend a ton of time trying to figure out what to do with him. I LOVE to get him and I out of the house and for him to have some social time also, but we are so limited on the things that we can do because he is just a toddler and so many of the kids places are more for 3+. We go to Chuckee Cheese sometimes but he doesnt know how to play many of the games, we went to Main Event the other day and it was WAY over his head, and we go to the Jumpin Jungle, which is fun but he likes the big slides and stuff so I have to take him to the top for the most part. All of these places we manage to have fun at, but it is a lot of work for Mommy to keep him entertained. We do like and have fun at Story Time in Friendswood (but they dont do it in August), the Children's Museum (but it gets expensive), Chick Fil-e (but it gets so packed that it gets hard for Corbin to play), and I think that is pretty much it. So any suggestions would be awesome! =)

This week was just a hard week for me. I really try to stay positive and happy, but this week I realized how much I really need my friends to laugh with and pray with to stay up beat and feel encouraged.

Love you guys!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


People ask us all the time how many children we want. If you would have asked Clynt anytime before we had Corbin, he would have told you 6! No, that was never my answer. My answer was always 2. Now, Clynt believes that he is getting too "old" to have 6 kids. ha. Clynt will be 30 in February and doesnt want to be that old before he retires. So, I think that we are compromising at 3. We will have a second and decide after that one if we want to go for one more or not, but that is our thought right now.

We want to have our kids between 2 and 3 years apart, so we will hopefully get pregnant somewhat soon and then Corbin and the new baby would be 2.5 years apart. We are actually planning on timing with our next kid also. Corbin was born 4 days after Christmas, which was also our anniversary. He was here 2.5 weeks early, and his due date way my birthday! So every holiday is with in 3 weeks of eachother, not to mention Valentine's Day and Clynt's birthday both being in February! So we want for our next child to come sometime in the spring or the fall. That would be in my dream world any ways.

How many kiddos do you want? If you are done having kids, how many did you have and why did you stop there?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Clynt seems way too busy for me!

Clynt started looking for the truck of his dreams (in our budget!) several weeks back. Now, he was very picky about the truck that he wanted. He wanted a Ford F250 or F350, Diesel, 4X4, not lifted, and 4 doors. The 4 doors thing was the only thing that I cared about, because the extended cab thing was such a PAIN with Corbin. The only draw back he had in finding what he wanted was that we were paying cash, and he had a limited budget he could spend. So the search started.

When he started looking, he started test driving trucks after work at least a couple days a week. Well, that wouldn't put him home until 6:30 or 7 and most of the time Corbin and I would have already eaten. Well then the day comes with a deal that we can't beat. So he spends several days going back and forth to the truck, and the going to get it inspected to make sure that nothing major was wrong with it. This truck had been stolen before so their were some things missing, so Clynt negotiated with the guy and and was going to replace everything that was missing and we were still going to pay LESS than what he was asking. The inspection showed a few little things that were wrong with it, so Clynt got the guy to repair some of them and others Clynt was going to have to do. So it was a deal. He got his dream truck! I was really happy for him. But NOW, he is spending every waking second working on it. He is a VERY meticulous person and wants to replace and update like everything on this truck!! That is great in the terms of I know it will last forever and I know he is capable of doing all of the maintenance himself, in which case it is not costing us a fortune. BUT- I miss my husband!!!

For 2 weeks he spend the nights looking for trucks and now he is spending all that time working on the one he bought!! I wish he would spend that time with us. Last night I took Corbin out to the garage to tell Clynt good night, and I was waiting on Clynt to finish up what he was doing and Clynt got upset with me because we were "watching over him and he was uncomfortable!". I dont like fighting so I just went inside, but Corbin to bed and stayed inside the rest of the night. Clynt then tells me today that he is taking me to dinner because he feels bad. At least he knows when he does something wrong. I really love that about Clynt. And I think he ended up staying up until like 2am to finish up so that he can be done with some stuff for a while.

I love that man, but I MISS him!!!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

The 10 on Tuesday this week is a bit random, so this is just a warning!

1. What is your current favorite television show?
We watch House, but since it isnt on right now... I would have to say either Criminal Minds or NCIS.

2. Apple juice or orange juice?
Orange juice for sure... When I was pregnant with Corbin, I would drink it ALL the time =)

3. It’s Shark Week on Discover Channel. Do you watch? Why or why not?
Negative. What an incredibly weird thing it is to have a week on sharks! hmm... Clynt hasnt been into it this year but last year he was!

4. What are the non-blog websites that you visit regularly?
Facebook, Yahoo, and any daily baby bargain site... I LOVE www.babysteals.com, www.kidsteals.com, www.mamabargains.com, and several others! They have one "bargain" a day and often times it is something very useful! =)

5. What is your favorite way to prepare green beans? Asparagus? Potatoes? Carrots?
I steam most veggies. But I do roast them occasionally.

6. What is your favorite flower?
A tulip!!

7. How do you feel about handkerchiefs?
Im going with Amanda's answer on this one..... "Gross"!

8. If you could only shop at 3 stores for the rest of your life, what would they be? (You probably should include a grocery store.)
HEB, Babies R Us, and Target.

9. If you could only use wine for one purpose for the rest of your life, which would you choose? To cook with or to drink?
To drink.

10. What’s your bedtime?
I try to be in bed by 10.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Family pictures

Amanda took our family pictures this weekend in Downtown Houston. They turned out awesome. I really wanted an "urban" feel to the pictures. We got some that were urban-y, but other that are just super cute. It is amazing to me how everyone has different tastes... When I showed them to family, they all asked for different ones! I am going to show you my favorite ones!

This one is one of my favorites! I just love the colors and my little man...

I love the depth in this one... I like how Corbin is out in front of us and he looks darn cute!!

This one is fun. I think it is a good picture of each of us! =)

This one seems to be a favorite of everyone. I like it too, but I am squinting a little so I dont like it of me! however both of my guys look awfully CUTE!!

This one is another favorite of everyone. It is Clynt's favorite too, so Im sure it will be in an 8X10 in our house! =)

No one said that this was their favorite, however I REALLY like the design of this one! I love that red wall and the stair, PLUS we are all open eyed! =)

No one said that this was their favorite, either, HOWEVER, it is my FAVORITE from the whole shoot! It is exactly what I was going for by taking pictures downtown! I wanted an urban look and this is it! This on will be in a 10X13 AT LEAST in our home! =)

Hope you enjoyed them!! Thanks AMANDA!! you are wonderful! =)
