Saturday, September 5, 2015

It's getting close

Many of you know that my sweet husband is leaving the country for work for a while soon.  through the process of informing our friends and family, we have had some pretty amazing people say super sweet things and it has been very aware that we have amazing people in our life.   I have been blessed with so many amazing friends and family.

I don't want sympathy while he is around the globe, I am a big girl and can handle things as they come along... But I do want to ask for understanding.  While he is gone, I might just ask for you to come over and have a glass of wine after dinner (not for sympathy but because I need someone to talk to!), I might not be able to attend things like I do now (not because I don't want to but because there is simply only one of me), I might have to cancel (not because I want to but I imagine my kids will have bad days), the kids and I may have bad days (not because we are mean or because my kids are bad, but because we are used to seeing our husband/dad every day and we won't),  I won't want to hear about how much my husband is missing (not because I don't appreciate advice, but because we know and ultimately made this decision together solely for the benefit of our family in the long run), and I absolutely just want understanding for our life's just not being the same for just a bit (because, let's be honest.. It's just not!).

Some of you have husbands who are gone a lot longer than mine will be.  You are incredibly women and moms and I so look up to your abilities.  I pray for you and I pray that I am able to make our world go around just as amazing as you do.

I so love all of my friends and family for all of your awesomeness!


Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Being a stay at home in the summer is both amazing and stressful.  There are definitely plenty of days where I get them to bed a need a drink to unwind.  But there are also SO many days where I learn so much about my kids and I realize how amazing in love and blessed I am.

This summer, our bible verse we have decided to study is "put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the scenes of the devil". It's the sweetest thing in the world to watch your kids memorize scripture.  Corbin has to memorize for a grade at school but being able to teach it to them is so much more rewarding.  While teaching this to them (and learning plenty my self), our pastor spoke on the same scripture, and then in the bible study I'm personally doing right now (girls with swords... It's amazing!!) also speaks on the same thing.  I've been hit on all sides with the importance of this scripture, which has made it incredible.  After trying to focus on this, it became even more aware that I need to know Way more about scripture than I currently did in order to combat  satan on a daily basis. 

So, right now I'm in a phase of learning, growing and being a better me.  Gosh I have a long way to go and I will never in my life be perfect but daily I need to focus on becoming more and more like Him.

In our summer series at church we have learned about finding our purpose.  Between that and all of these moments I have had with my kids, I have realized how important it is to me that our next generation learn more and more how to be the hands and feet of Christ.  If my kids learn at a very early age how to put on the armor of God and be His hands and feet, the world is so much more likely to be a better place for him.  So I'm helping to start a ministry at our church for helping families find ways to volunteer together. (Part of the important part is them seeing me serve too!).  Tomorrow we are going to the food bank again.  Here are some pictures from the last time we went.  Corbin loved it and is really starting to get it.  

Being a mom and a role model these little people is such a blessing but also such a responsibility.   I love these little guys more than they will ever know and I hope at least one thing I do brings them some kind of happiness and peace in their life as they grow old. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

WOW! Let's see I remember how to do this!

Hey all!  This blog has been neglected for a very long time now.  But my life has turned crazy hectic with lots of new things happening and coming up with our life.. The blog helps me to release what I have on my mind, so I thought Id try and pic it back up.

For this first blog back, Ill just update a little on our crazy crew.  Corbin 6 and a half!  How in the world did that even happen?!  He is crazy strong, crazy handsome, crazy smart, crazy athletic, and just plain crazy.  Garrett is 4... He has had a couple of broken bones trying to keep up with his big brother and he has a smile that will absolutely light up your day.  These boys make my life worth living.

Clynt is still doing engineering.  He made senior engineer at his company last year and is working towards having his PE this year.  He is going to have to do a little more away work in another country bc he really needs it for his competency matrix at work since he had his promotion.  It kind of stinks, but the kids and I will figure it all out!  We are a strong little crew and it won't be for too long each time he goes (if he goes multiple times)!

I am a photographer still.. and I am BUSY.. Summer is my slow season but it hasn't been too slow this year.  I still really enjoy doing it and my clients are absolutely amazing!  Its been a really awesome journey so far and I can't wait to spend many more years being a work at home mom with this little business!  Getting to be with my boys as much as I am is amazing and I wouldn't trade my time with them for anything.

Thats short 411 on our crew.  I hope to keep up with this as our little journey for life is changing so much!!
