Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mind set

I have had a mindset of needing to lose weight for the past 5 years. Granted part of that I was pregnant, but I was still bigger than I wanted to be and so in my mind, I wanted to lose weight as soon as I had my bundles of joy. I always struggled sticking with something long enough to make much of a difference though. Now, I have stuck with something for 3 months and it has become a habit. That's not the problem.

The problem is that I still don't see myself as small. I still feel like I need to lose more weight and stay on my low calorie diet. I can see my scale, my husband, my friends all telling me that I am perfect where I am, but I am really struggling to see it myself. I've put in my mind that an 800 calorie meal is really bad for me, because I was on a 1200 calorie diet and that would have been a huge chunk of it. To maintain my weight though, I need to eat more like 1800-2000 calories, so that 800 calorie meal is not bad. But its a habit and a mindset that I have now. I am struggling more than you can imagine with this. I do not want to lose more weight, I want to weight lift more and in turn gain some weight with muscle. But I'm having a hard time changing my mindset out of needing to loose weight. Does anyone have any tips?

1 comment:

  1. I think you shouldn't lose any more weight! If anything, increase your calorie intake and start doing some strength training so you look strong rather than thin. I try not to look at the scale at all. I judge by how many pushups I can do and how much weight I'm lifting in body pump. Since, as you know, muscle weighs more than fat so scales are not a good indicator of fitness. You are likely building lots of muscle running but it makes you lean and in order to look healthy and not scrawny, you have to keep up with a a high protein and high fruit and veggie diet. I go with the rule that if it's not processed, I can eat as much of it as I want. For example, don't count calories for fruit and veggies!!! Nutrients are way more important. Frankly, don't count calories at all. If you eat healthy food and exercise, calorie counting is really not doing you any good. And, eat dessert! I don't mean eat three cookies after every meal, but allow yourself at least one small treat every day without punishing yourself. You'll feel more satisfied!!! I hope that helps. That's just the philosophy I use. :)
