Tuesday, September 17, 2013

PreK 4

Corbin started prek 4 this Wednesday.  Letting go is very hard for me and this was no different.  I cried and cried, but we made it through and he did great.

He is going to Lutheran South Academy 3 days a week.  It is a very nice private school with a fantastic program for prek3 all the way through high school.  Without getting on a soap box and too political because that is not my intentions of the blog:  I think it is sad that kids need preschool to begin with.  However since the government pays for for some to go to preschool, and not others, it seems (to me) that the others need it, in an attempt to not get behind.   I personally feel like preschool should either be provided to everyone or no one.   It doesn't seem fair that middle class America can't get the same early education as others.  Corbin's preschool is very expensive and we are making sacrifices to pay for it, but it just doesn't seem fair.

Anyways, I'm well aware that life's not fair and I am not saying preschool is right or not, I just wish that if its provided for some, it should be provided for all...

Back to corbin!! He did great and he looks so cute in his school uniform!  We are thinking the school will be a great fit for him this year! :). Here are a couple first day of school pictures... This year he said he wants to be a daddy when he grows up! So cute!  Last year was spiderman.  It'll be so fun to watch this through the years. :)

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