Monday, March 14, 2011


This weekend was filled with some much needed relaxation, some cleaning, organizing, planning, and loving on my boys.  It was the first weekend in months that we have actually spent most of it at home.  On Saturday morning, we woke up and I fixed breakfast, and we just chilled.  We ended up going to Kohl's, Ulta, and Home Depot to pick up a few things that we needed.  Clynt is building up quite the list of to-dos which I will let you know about in a minute.  After our few errands, we went and watched my little brother Michael play his first baseball game.  Corbin had a load of fun and would sit on the bleachers with Michael and kept secretly bringing him stuff to play with.  Then he would put on Michael's batting helmet, grab and bat and say he was ready to hit, and start to walk on the field.  Needless to say, this momma was tired from keeping him behind the fence the whole time.  But it was super cute.  I can't wait till Corbin can join some sports, he asks ALL the time and I have to tell him he is too littler =(

After that, my family came over and we got some pizza and Clynt and Matt worked on his truck, the boys played a little while before Corbin's nap, and the rest of us just hung out and visited.  The rest of the day was spent at home chillin.  Dinner was panninis and mac and cheese all homeade and they were yummy! The next morning was church and then we went to my dad's for the boys to play and us to work on taxes and visit and eat lunch.  After all that, we were home.  Clynt worked on the yard, while I did laundry, cleaning kitchen, and cooking dinner.  It was a nice afternoon.

After dinner, Clynt and I sat and discussed his to-do list.  Here it goes:

1) Finish fixing his truck.  He has figured out what is wrong, and now is ordering the parts and ideally next weekend, we will have a running F250. =)
2) Put a roof on the swingset and finish staining it.  We used up a gallon of stain and it didnt finish it a couple months ago, and then Clynt decided he wanted a wooden roof instead of the tarp thing, so we put off staining until he put up the roof so that it can all be done at one time.  He bought the supplies this weekend, so maybe next weekend we will have a roof =)
3) Paint Corbin's new "big boy" room.  We drew out our design last night, and now we get to start working on it.  The first step is getting the walls done and buying a new dresser for him, and then we can at least put him in their with the toddler bed, until the next item on this list is done.
4) Build Corbin's new monster truck bed.  If you didnt see the picture on FB a few weeks ago, this is what our inspiration is.  Although, you can scratch the skulls, and we are going to put a firebird in it's place (and one of the wall to carry it through).
(Dont you think any little boy would just LOVE this??!)

5) Help me move more stuff around upstairs to make sure everything is ready for Garrett's arrival. 

So, Clynt is busy and I am trying to help where I can, and take care of Corbin in order for Clynt to have the time to take care of things.  

Anyways, this weekend was nice, and I feel so refreshed and prepared, and a bit or organized for the upcoming weeks, and I think Clynt does too. I'd call it a success! =)


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