Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas in Louisiana

Last week we went to Louisiana for a couple of days to see my Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, and cousins.  It was a nice trip and we had loads of fun visiting and running around.  Corbin had never met some of this family so it was fun getting to introduce him to family.  While at my Grandma's house, Clynt, Corbin, my dad and Michael all ran around the property shooting guns and kicking trees and skipping rocks.  They had a lot of fun.  And YES, I did say shooting guns.  My BABY was shooting a gun with his daddy. He is not completely looney, it was an airgun with plastic pellets but still, it definitely made me a little nervous.  Clynt thinks that Corbin is ready to get his own gun (or will be when he turns 3), but we are a little different page there.  Any of you country boys that read that want to leave your comment defending Clynt, please do so! =)  He says he had a bb gun that young, so Im trying to give the idea a little thought.  It is his little boy and all.  In his defense also, the gun would be locked in our gun safe and only for Corbin to use with Daddy's help, so he won't have access to it at any time, it would just be the idea that Corbin got his first gun... hmmm.....

Here are some pictures of Clynt transforming Corbin into a country boy.  Look at the boots.  Is he not just the cutest 2 year old you've ever seen??

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!  Tomorrow I will blog about our Christmas Day!


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