Monday, May 20, 2013


Tomorrow is Corbin's last day of school and I am very giddy over it.  Garrett loves his time with Corbin and so he is going to love it too!  School days for me now are very hectic...  I have to wake the boys up early and we don't get to have our chill and relaxing mornings, instead I am shoving breakfast down their throats and running out the door.  Then I drop Corbin off and 2.5 hrs later I have to try to get Garrett down for a nap just so that I can wake him up by 1:30 to go pick Corbin up.  Garrett has gotten older since last August and an 11:30 nap isn't going over very well, so he ends up exhausted later in the day.  It's just hard on school days to get anything done.  PLUS-  Corbin only has one more year till kindergarten and I feel like I have a million things I want to do with him before he starts.  The days he is home, we have until 1pm before I put Garrett down for a nap.  We get to lounge in pjs, play outside, and go to whatever we want to do!  I love that :)

I think that I'm going to let Corbin put together a list today of a bunch of things he wants to do before school starts again next year.  (Which, by the way, did I tell y'all he was accepted to Lutheran south academy and will start their 3 day ALL day program next year?).   I hope that I can get around to letting him do all kinds of fun stuff, and maybe have a little learning in there too :)

Tomorrow, I ordered some of the cutest cookies ever in cute packaging to bring up to all the kids in his class.  I also got his teachers some Great gifts and I'm going to go up to his school and eat lunch with him and let him hand out his stuff.    Check out how cute they are!

Tomorrow, plan to be inandated with last day of school pictures, and Corbin's to do list for the summer! :)


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