Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

So, it has been over a week since my last post. I am very sorry readers, we have been busy. I have SO much to tell you all about, but I dont want to mess up the routine, so I will do a ten on Tuesday today and then tomorrow, I shall write about the past week. This is going to be a hard one because it is mostly about books, and I dont get around to reading too much, but we will see how it goes.

1. Favorite book(s) when you were a child and why?
I dont really remember much about my childhood. That might sound strange, as Clynt remembers EVERYTHING but I have a very good short term memory, and not recollection of the past. I do remember loving the author Beverly Clery (Not sure how to spell it), and I remember a book about mice by her, but i dont actually remember the name or anything else. I stink!

2. First “grown-up” book you remember reading (i.e. written for adolescents or with adult themes, such as The Outsiders or Catcher in the Rye).
How do people remember these things. I had to read so many different books that I have no idea what the answer to this question it. This is going to turn into a very short blog. LOL. But I will say that one book I remember was "Of Mice and Men", it was an excellent book and I read it when I was young, i think!

3. Favorite movie that came from a book (even if you didn’t read the book and just love the movie).
I had to go to movieblog.com and get a top 100 list of books turned into movies. I dont have a good memory and I also dont like to watch movies. I know that "Of Mice and Men" was a movie also and I thought that was a wonderful book and movie, but
I will say "The Notebook" based on the list that I was just looking at. I am lame, I know.

4. Movie that you loved so much that you WISHED there was a book out so that you could find out more about the movie.
I dont really know. I havent watched many movies lately. I guess that I would think that a book to "The Proposal" would be amusing...

5. Worst book you’ve ever read?
Some of you may hate me for saying this, but Harry Potter. I think I read 3 pages and moved on to more important things in my life. I know Amanda is reading this right now, and so is Tiffany, and you have both read all the books and have drug me to see these crazy movies. No thank you!! But, anything for you :)

6. Book that everyone raves about that you either a) haven’t read and feel slightly dumb for not having read it or b) have tried to read and hated and so feel slightly dumb that everyone is getting something you don’t.
See my answer to number 5. Also, I have not read, nor did i even know about the Twilight series until the movie came out. Apparently I live in a bubble!

7. If you were forced to choose only 3 books that you could read for the rest of your life, which ones would they be? (Or if you were stranded on a desert island, which 3 books would you want there with you?).
Oh course, My bible! That would be number 1. Then I would want a Kristin Billerbeck book. I LOVE her books, any of them would be great, and then i would want "30 days to live" since I would be stuck on an island, I think that would be appropriate!

8. Name one book that if you could recommend that everyone you know read, what is it?
I would have to go with your Bible!

9. What is your “guilty pleasure” reading?
I dont know! Chick Flicky books are good for me. I could read them all day!

10. What book (excepting the Bible or other major document of your religion/faith) has changed your outlook on life the most?
I would have to go with Miserly Moms. I just received this book at a Christmas gift exchange with our CARE group, Thanks Tommy and Courtney! It has really helped me to control some spending and think of how I spend money in a different way. i love it, I read it in 2 days. It was great and a perk to it was the recipes! Love it!

Okay, so that was kind of lame because I dont get to read too too much any more, but when i get into something, i do read a lot of it!

Well, I will fill you all in on the rest of what it is going on in my "Life as a Waddell" later! Love you all!

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