Thursday, April 28, 2011

33 weeks!

So, as of yesterday, we are 33 weeks!  Meaning, not long until our little guy comes into this world!  We went to the doctor and everything is looking great.  My BP is doing well, and the little heartbeat is great.  We go back in 2 weeks for another check up and then, we are on to every week appts.  At 36 weeks we get another ultrasound and get to see how big our little guy is.   Corbin was born at 37.5 weeks and was 7 lbs 8 oz so he was on schedule to be a big dude.  I hope that Garrett is a big guy like Corbin, but that he comes early and I don't have to deliver a 9 or more lb baby! =)  

If my BP goes back up then I will be induced by 38 weeks.    If it stays pretty under control, then we will probably still be induced at 39 weeks as long as I progressing a little on my own.  With Corbin, I was induced, but the Pitocin was stopped because I went in labor on my own.  So, I probably would have been in labor in the next few days anyways.  So, hopefully Garrett follows suit and just comes a little bit early and is a healthy little guy.  As long as he is healthy, that's all that really matters. 

Both of the little guy's rooms are coming along.  We have bought all the supplies and the mattress for Corbin's new bed and now it just has to be put together, which Clynt has been working on (well, he is has been designing it in AutoCad to get it JUST RIGHT!)  Im so exctied to see it.

Besides the bed, I am ordering both of their names for their walls.  And then we have to put the front of the crib back on and bring a couple things back into the nursery and that room will be completely done.  So, that's just a matter of a half hour or so and it will be ready for Garrett.  

Corbin has been doing great in his room.  He goes straight in their when it's time for bed so the confusion is pretty well gone.  Im so thankful for that, and that's why I wanted him in there early.  I don't at all want him to feel like he is giving up his room for Garrett.  So, all is going really well.

Pretty much everything on this to do list is done, or in the works, so now we are just coasting and waiting on our newest guy to arrive (which hopefully will still be a month away or more!).   So everything is going great.

Mother's Day is next weekend! Isn't that crazy??  It was just Easter!  We are doing what we do every year, going to church, and then my family and most of Clynt's family come over for Filet Mignon, and a really fancy meal. =)  Everyone brings one item so we are able to just relax and not worry about much.  The kids play, guys clean, and ladies just relax.  How wonderful is that?  It's definitely on of my favorite holidays. =)  Can't wait!

Well.  Hope your all having a great week.  Corbin and I are grocery store bound today!. fun stuff. 

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