Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Last night we had our annual Homeowners Association meeting.   Our neighborhood is still not built out to the 80% required for the board to be given over to the homeowners, so it is still run by the board from the builders.  However we do have an advisory committee which consists of 6 homeowners who represent the community and bring concerns and stuff to the board.  I am one of the people on that committee.  So, I knew going into the HOA meeting last night that their would be unhappy people and that we as a committee would feel less than adequate.  That part wasn't horrible, but listening to some of the people complain was unreal!!  It seemed like their were several people who came their just to complain about EVERY. SINGLE.TOPIC on the agenda.   It was really quite annoying.  I know their are things that people should be able to voice their concern about, but SERIOUSLY?  I mean some of these people were complaining about people not paying their dues, and other things that are simply out of the control of anyone!

While sitting there listening to people raise their voices and complain, I could not help but think to myself, do I every do that?  And I started thinking about all the things that I complain about on a regular basis.  I may not hollar and scream at people, but I do complain a lot more than I think is healthy.  I found this information about complaining while searching for specific scripture for stuff:

"Regardless of whatever circumstances may cause discontent or dissatisfaction, complaining is always an expression of unbelief toward God’s order in our life. You see, the whole premise of Christianity is that Jesus becomes the Lord (boss) of our life and our circumstances. They are in his hands. Thus, if believers complain, it really becomes an accusation against our Lord, in whom we’ve trusted our lives. “...for the LORD hears your complaints which you make against Him. And what are we? Your complaints are not against us but against the LORD” (Ex. 16:8)."

I am trying to focus more on scripture.  A weakness that I have in my growing love for Christ is that I have almost no memory of specific scripture.  It eats me up every time that I feel the need to comfort someone.  I mean I can pray for them, but I want some substance with scripture.  Praise God for the internet!  When I have time, I can simply google "scripture about gossip" or whatever the topic is.  This has been helping me out, but Im still not where I want to be.  If you have tricks on scripture memorization, please let me know!  I'd LOVE tips!  This is a major goal of mine.  My memory is not great, so I know it will take a lot of focusing on my part, but I am totally willing to do so in order to help me in my walk. =)

So, back to complaining.  As Exodus 16:8 above tells,  complaining is not just about the situation that we are involved in, you are complaining against the Lord because you are not showing your trust in Him..  This nails it on the head for me.  This can also be applied to worrying (which is something that I do often).  Both worrying and complaining are not trusting in God to have complete control of our lives.  This is so important for us to do.

I am constantly growing and I know I will be my entire life.  So, noticing things (like those complaining at an HOA meeting) that don't seem quite right to me and turning to God's word about it is so helpful.   Just thought I'd share.

Hope your all having a wonderful Tuesday after Easter! =)

Just on a different note, here are a couple pictures of Corbin making funny faces on the "Photobooth" on my computer.  Isn't he a cutie?!?!

Blog out!



  1. The way I memorize verses is to write the whole thing on a white board and say it out loud then erase one word and say it out load again. Keep erasing til the board is empty and im saying it from memory and then try to recite it daily to keep it fresh in my head
