Friday, September 10, 2010

Busy Day

Today has been a busy day. I like busy days though, so its cool. Plus I have something to tell you about! =)

We started off by going to return a movie at the beloved Blockbuster, then we went to the Pearland Library to return books. While at the library, we hang out and search for some new books. Corbin loves to read and I love to read to him. He comes and sits in my ap and gets so excited. I just love it!! That is one of those things that i am going to miss one day. =( Okay, no tears... We find a few books that we want to get and we check out. We got a bunch of really cute ones that Corbin was super excited about. He loves anything with animals in it. He is in that phase of learning the animals names and what they say. He is having a really hard time repeating what a dog says for some reason. Is it bad that this little boy of mine can say "ROAR" for a Dinosaur but wont even say "woof" for a dog. He cracks me up. But we found a couple of animal stories and some color ones and just some fun ones.

Since the Pearland Library is not geared for children Corbin's age, we then head over to the Friendswood Library. We love the Friendswood library. They do toddler time 3 days a week and they have a wonderful area with puzzles, colors, books (of course) and so much more for the kids to play with. So we hang out their for a little while.

We then go to get some bread from my moms house so we can feed the ducks in their subdivision, but she was not home. So I thought that we could just go and look at the ducks. BAD IDEA. The second that we walked up, so did the ducks! Corbin LOVES ducks so he wanted to hug them (which, no, I did not let him do!). He happened to have a peanut butter cracker in his hand, so I take it from him, and break it up into little pieces and have him throw them at the ducks. He had fun throwing for a minute, but then he wanted for the ducks to eat them out of his hands. All I could imagine was the duck attacking my child's hand and me having to go to the emergency room (which we are sick of getting bills from!) so I quickly grab his hand and make him throw the last pieces so we can leave. Soon, we will go with bread for the little ducks. Corbin will have a blast!

Soon after we went to lunch with my momma and Corbin and I got to visit. Corbin loved it, cause Grandma taught him how to use his chip as a spoon for his rice and beans. He loved that! Did I mention that Corbin is just a bit cute?! =)

Then we came home and read. And then it was Corbin's nap time.

I then got out the book Bringing up Boys which I started reading a while back and then put down. But as Corbin is getting older I have told myself that I must read it. And now that I understand a lot of what Dobson (the author) is talking about, I can't seem to put it down. I think it is going to really help help in my perspective while raising Corbin and any other boys that we may have.

So, I am going to get back to reading. Have a blessed day and weekend!

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