Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hard Days

I remember the days that I would go to work, come home, cook, watch tv and chill all night. No screaming children, using the restroom without kids in the room, sitting to eat a full meal at the table, etc. With kids all of these things are luxuries, but we wouldn't have it any other way. I do love staying home with my boys but some days are just hard, and today was one of them. Both boys have a cold bd it has created completely cranky town in my house. Fighting, messing things up, crying, crying, oh did I saying crying. Garrett gets clingy and cries when he doesn't feel well. So sad. Anyways, after a long day of crazy, I went and got a pedicure and came home to sweet flowers and an adorable card curtesy of my boys. The ones in the tall vase are from corbin, he was so excited to show me the 'silly flowers that had lots of colors'. He can be such a sweet little guys sometimes! Below is a picture, but first...

Here is a cute letter someone wrote to here husband... It's so true...

Dear husband:
You have asked me "what did you do today?" and I am going to the best of my ability give you a brief glimpse into my Mommy world. Actually, my day began in the middle of your night. Two of your children were sick and needed attention. I let you sleep. I didn't; at least not what you would consider a complete, restful sleep cycle. I heard your alarm bright and early. Yes, I also saw the "nudge, nudge, wink, wink" as well as heard your stomach rumble. I chose the lesser of the evils and made you breakfast while you showered. For your information, I never had the time for a hygiene moment today.

Okay, reliving this day is already making me lightheaded and my head to hurt...the rest of what I have to say is in no particular order. Please forgive me if I sound disoriented...

I fed and watered six kids (not to mention packed nutrients to send for their survival outside of our home), one cat, one dog, and some withering looking things that once were green plants. I can not recount all I did to get the kids off to school, too traumatic. Let's just say; they survived, I barely did.

I cleaned up: spilled beverages, dropped plate of eggs, squashed banana on my carpet, something that was hopefully just chocolate that was all over the bathroom tiles and the toothpaste that somebody painted with. I am not going to list every item that I cleaned up, but perhaps just mention a few of the more "colorful" highlights.

I rewound an entire roll of toilet paper back onto the proper placement of aforementioned paper product. For future reference; the second time I just piled it, neatly as possible, in the corner next to the toilet.

Do you remember the billion plus jewelry beads that we bought for the kids for hours of creativity and fun? I spent more hours of cleaning them up than the children have ever used them.

Somebody decided to decorate the house with Easter grass and candy wrappers galore. While I totally celebrate the true meaning behind this holy day, next year, be warned, I might have to do bodily harm to that dumb bunny that visits our house! Which reminds me, I searched the house for the lost Easter egg to no avail...how long before the smell gives the hiding place away?

I unplugged the toilet-not once-not twice-but THREE times-and the day is not over. I almost had to call Guinness Book of World Records...WOW! At least we know our children are eating-what?-I'm not so sure.

I did dishes and went to put them away...when I opened the cupboards I was pummeled by a tower of falling debris left by the last person who had this chore.

I vacuumed, cleaned the cat box, wiped up the chocolate syrup trail that somebody was drinking in the middle of the afternoon (that somebody was not me, no matter what you think!), filled out paperwork, answered the phone 50 times for somebody named Bruce (and, no, we don't have anyone named Bruce in our household), changed the sheets on the bed of our youngest, changed our bedding because same child peed on our bed, too, found the wet clothing that pee-boy tried to hide as evidence of his misdeeds, did laundry (btw, our washer may be dying...), googled mapquest to plan my escape route, I mean, I looked up driving directions from child #1's track meet to child #2's soccer game, sat with the bag of mismatched socks, rocking and mumbling, "I think I can, I think I can..."

Okay, my mind can't handle much more...let's fast forward.

Your school children came home, dropping book bags, shoes and coats. They demanded food. I consoled a child (for more than 2 hours of crying and whining!) over her balloons that were cruelly executed with a spoon. I broke up fights, directed chaos, cleaned up cat barf that contained colorful remnants of Easter grass, and helped with homework. I prepared a nutritious and delicious meal for your homecoming. Now, at this moment, your children are out of sight and out of mind...I can not be held liable for the conditions you come home to later in this evening.

I know I have not revealed to you everything that I have experienced today. Some things just can not be put into words; trust me. Anyhow, by the time you come home tonight and ask me "what have you done today?" I will be oblivious to my surroundings; possibly even in a catatonic state of mind. Hopefully you can at least pry this paper from my weary fingers and gain a little bit of understanding about my day...

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