Thursday, December 13, 2012

The future.

Do you ever sit and dream what your life will be like in 10, 15, 20, or even 30 years? Do you wonder what your kids are going to be when they get older or even what they are going to be like, or who they will marry, and what kind of job they will have? I often wonder if I am giving my kids the basics of what they need to be happy, successful, CHRISTIAN men when they grow up. I mean, am I teaching them enough about Christ and am I being a good example? I definitely do no think I do enough, and that needs to change. Now. I also wonder if I am giving the building stones needed to be successful men . I mean am I teaching them and challenging them enough to learn and grow to their capabilities. I like to think I do with Corbin but I don't think I put enough time into it with Garrett, which again needs to change.

I so often wonder if they will be more like me or more like Clynt, or neither. I believe with all my heart that Corbin will be like clynt. I believe he will travel the engineering road (or something with numbers and precise ness). I believe he will be a very smart man (he is an incredibly smart little boy). I believe he will try his hardest at everything he does like his dad does. That is all what I believe though. Will any of that come true? I guess that the part that I think about the most. Will he be what I think he will be or something completely different. Sometimes I wonder what he will be like in school, a cool kid, a jock, a fork, etc. and then I remember that it doesn't matter at all!! What groups they are in in high school doesn't make them in the real world at all. It doesn't matter how good at sports they were (unless they are going to the pros, which, lets face, doesn't happen as much as parents believe!), it doesn't matter if his girlfriends are the most popular, or really anything else. All that matters is that he is a Christian, honest, respectful, and happy boy that can lead him on the bigger and better things in life.

And Garrett, at this point I just wonder what he will be like in preschool. Is he going to be like Corbin? Very active and busy but very smart? Who knows. And he definitely has my more social personality, so maybe he will be something where he is around people more often? Maybe a doctor? Or a pastor? Who knows what he will be yet. All I know is that to be the best mom I can be and have no regrets, I need to teach them the building blocks they need.

And for us (clynt and I), what will our lives be like? Well, clynt thinks I should be working somewhere, but don't. In my mind, my life will consist of lots of picking the kids up from school and taking them places, volunteering at the church during the day and having lots of lunch dates with the kids. 20 years from now, I hope that clynt will be retired and we will have been good enough with our money to be able to afford a gorgeous home in the middle of no where and a home on the beach in Belize. (Hey- this is a dream, right?) I vision our kids being married with kids and us all going down there to have a week together. I invision family, fun and excitement.

Do u ever think about your future? It's kind of fun, right?

Here are a couple pictures Corbin wanted me to show. One thing I know is they will be some pretty good looking men!

1 comment:

  1. I often feel the same way, Deana. Love the Spidey pic of Corbin, btw. :)
