Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Watching 3-4 year olds play tball is one of the cutest things in the world.  Most of them have no idea what's going on and the majority of them have a really hard time making it through a full game (which is only 45 mins).  Most games are a tie bc they get the run rule every inning since no one ever gets outs.  Corbin's coach puts kids at different positions every inning so that they all can play and get the ball as much as others.  He is really good with them.  Corbin is in instructional tball so parents are on the field guiding the kids and it is not a competitive thing.  There are, however, outs.  No strike outs, but out if a team somehow is able to get an actual out on the field.  

Corbin is an average player and has a lot of fun.  He actually goes for the ball more than a lot of kids on his team but mainly bc he cannot sit still and getting the ball seems fun.  Even if he plays outfield he still runs up to try to get the ball the was only hit 2 feet off the tee.  It's cute.  He can hit the ball well (for a 3 year old), but other than that its just a lot of fun.  A few weeks ago, it was Corbin's turn to play pitcher.  He actually managed to get three outs in a row.  It was sooooo cute to watch.  Here is a video of him.  He is on the pitchers mound, and there is a guy on third running into home.   It's so fun to watch him learn things.  He looks like a pro. Lol.  Love that stinker.


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